Rancho Cucamonga Family Lawyer
With the Enforcement of Court Order(s) you need the help of an experienced Rancho Cucamonga family lawyer to help you traverse the mine field of issues that may come up enforcing a Court Order.
The Office of Vanessa Gnekow has years of experience helping their Client’s with the enforcement of Court Orders.
Court Orders can deal with the following situations:
- Enforcing a Child Support Order
- Enforcing a Spousal Support Order
- Earnings or Wage Assignment Orders
- Writ of Execution
- Child Support Security Account/Electronic Funds Transfer
- Contempt Proceedings
Child as well as Spousal support are not voluntary, but support orders are not self-enforcing. If one parent fails to pay a court-ordered child or Spousal support, it is up to the other parent to enforce that order. California law requires an earnings assignment for all child support orders. This means the spouse’s employer must pay support directly to the other parent. A writ of execution enables the parent receiving child support to request the court to order the liquidation of the other parent’s assets and have the funds transferred to the supported parent.
The spouse who fails to comply with support orders may be required to pay reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the beneficiary spouse in the action of a collection proceeding. The court will determine the amount that would constitute rational attorney’s fees. The above methods for obtaining support are also among the remedies for enforcing child custody and visitation orders, or property division orders.