Don’t Let Divorce Derail Your Retirement

June 27, 2016

At any age, a divorce can set you back financially, but ending a marriage later in life poses an extra threat: derailing a previously on-track retirement. As is true with younger couples, a divorce is likely to leave you with higher living expenses, [...]

How Often do Non-Custodial Parents See their Children?

June 22, 2016

nly a third of children in sole residential homes see their other parent at least once a month. Another third have contact less than once a month. Half of these have contact less than once a year. A final third have no contact at all with their [...]

Want More Financial Aid? Get a Divorce

June 22, 2016

By the time their kids are ready for college, many parents are either divorced or in the process of getting one. Just from a financial aid perspective, that can actually be to their benefit. Students whose parents are divorced—or have been [...]

Never Too Old to Hurt From Parents’ Divorce

June 16, 2016

In the room that would be the scene of Lisa George’s divorce in 2012, Ms. George, now 59, was seated on the same side of the table as her about-to-be-ex-husband. Each of their divorce lawyers slid into seats across from them. Between the [...]