There are a lot of considerations to make when choosing a career, but most people don’t consider divorce to be among them. That may be a mistake, however, since there does seem to be an appreciable difference in the divorce rates of certain careers. Celebrities aren’t even at the top of the list, surprisingly, though they do make it into the top ten. Dancers and choreographers are the most likely profession to get divorced.
So how do you divorce-proof your marriage? Choosing a profession that doesn’t have a high rate of divorce could be an easy or obvious way to do that, but there are other steps you can take as well. Dating for 3 years or more can reduce your chances of getting divorced by 39%- it’s important to get to know someone before marrying them. Having other married friends, watching movies together, and dividing the chores equally are also important steps to strengthening your marriage.
Employers can also decrease the likelihood of divorce. If you are in a high-divorce sector like massage therapy or gaming services, it’s important to help foster a good work-life balance. When employees have to work odd hours or do physically demanding work it can take a toll on their personal lives, so allowing them extra breathing room in their personal lives can really help things in the long run. Stressed out employees don’t perform as well.
You can read the rest of the article here: http://bit.ly/1XjGFbe
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