Archive: Author: Office

Problems With Paternity: Fraud To Securing Parental Rights

July 19, 2016

Paternity is a major problem area in family courts, whether you are talking about issues pertaining to fraud or biological fathers obstructed from having a relationship with their children. Unfortunately, there is little being done to fix these [...]

6 critical steps to prepare your finances for divorce

July 15, 2016

The process of getting a divorce often leaves both parties wounded. However, there are a few things you can do right now to ensure that you are financially protected. 1. Gather your financial records The first thing you should do is to collect [...]

Women-Owned Small Businesses Are Driving Economic Growth

July 12, 2016

Last month, the White House hosted the first-ever United State of Women summit, an event aimed at celebrating women’s progress and highlighting the work that still needs to be done to achieve gender equality. Among the many topics covered, female [...]

US panel: Improve child custody rules for military

July 12, 2016

A national legal panel that works to standardize state laws wants to simplify child custody rules for military service members, whose frequent deployments can leave them without clear legal recourse when family disputes erupt. The Uniform Law [...]