Category: Blog

Divorce decision: Keep the house or sell it?

August 08, 2016

Dear Pete, I have nothing. My husband of 37 years filed for divorce, and I have nothing. I felt like we always seemed to have money, but apparently not. He says I’ll receive about $50,000 of his retirement account, but that’s it. I make [...]

Many Dads Are Being Forced to Play “Mother May I?”

August 01, 2016

Do you remember the childhood game, Mother May I? The mother directs thechildren to take a certain number of hops, giant steps or baby steps toward her. Each child must ask “Mother May I?” before moving. If they don’t, then they must go back [...]

Don’t Blame Divorce on Money. Ask: Did the Husband Have a Job?

August 01, 2016

Financial stress and fights over money can eat away at a marriage. But do they cause divorce? That’s a more complicated matter. A Harvard University study suggests that neither financial strains nor women’s increased ability to get out of an [...]